General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderSprosen, R. W.
Sender (corporation)Boosey & Hawkes
Note on Sender‘s location[New York?]
Send date24.04.1950
RecipientSwarsenski, Hans
Recipient (corporation)Boosey & Hawkes
Note on Recipient‘s location[New York?]
Acquiredcopy from Boosey & Hawkes, 2011 (from Sharon Choa)
Owner of the sourceBoosey & Hawkes
Call number at IBMBH 1950-04-24
Content and physical description
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text1
Notewritten on "inter-departmental communication" form
Quality of digitisationProfessional
Digitized atBoosey & Hawkes

Preview only available at the Institute.

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