General information
Type of the document Letter
SenderKusevickij, Sergej Aleksandrovič
Sender (corporation)
Sender‘s locationBoston, Massachusetts
Send date10.10.1942
RecipientMartinů, Bohuslav
Recipient (corporation)
Recipient‘s locationNew York, NY
AcquiredFrom Library of Congress, 02/1998; copy from CBM, Polička, 2017
Owner of the sourceCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Owner‘s call numberPBM Kd 166
Former call number at IBM50/51
Call number at IBMBSO 1942-10-10
Content and physical description
ContentSK has received the score and was deeply touched, especially by the Adagio, which fittingly expresses what he experienced in his grief. It is a consolation that this beautiful work was written in memory of his wife, and thus especially dear to him. The editor has promised to send the parts by November 5, when rehearsals will begin. SK will give BM the date of the concert at another time.
Total number of leaves1
Number of pages bearing text1
NoteThere are both, the signed original and a carbony copy of the letter from Library of Congress and CBM, Polička respectively
Quality of digitisationNot professional black-and-white
Digitized atLibrary of Congress; Washington, D.C.
Date of digitisation2015

Preview only available at the Institute.

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