Page 278 of 437, showing 20 records out of 8739 total
Sender |
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Send date |
Sender‘s location |
BMI call number |
Digital copy |
Type of the document |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Sacher, Paul | 14.01.1947 | New York, NY | Sac 1947-01-14 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Sacher, Paul | 21.01.1947 | New York, NY | Sac 1947-01-21 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Sacher, Paul | 12.04.1948 | New York, NY | Sac 1948-04-12 | | Letter |
Feigl, Hugo | Martinů, Charlotte | 01.10.1959 | New York, NY | Fei 1959-10-01 | | Postal card |
Löwenbachová, Vilma | Martinů, Charlotte | 29.08.1959 | New York, NY | Löw 1959-08-29 | | Letter |
Rybka, Doris | Martinů, Charlotte | 31.08.1959 | New York, NY | RybD 1959-08-31 | | Letter |
Beal, Ernest | Martinů, Charlotte | 16.09.1959 | New York, NY | Bea 1959-09-16 | | Letter |
(Generální konzulát ČSR v New Yorku) | (Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí ČSR) | 11.09.1946 | New York, NY | MZV 1946-09-11 | | Letter |
Martinů, Charlotte | Sacher, Paul | 25.10.1948 | New York, NY | Sac 1948-10-25 | | Letter |
Martinů, Charlotte | Sacher, Paul | 16.03.1949 | New York, NY | Sac 1949-03-16 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Sacher, Paul | 24.10.1950 | New York, NY | Sac 1950-10-24 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Sacher, Paul | 10.12.1950 | New York, NY | Sac 1950-12-10 | | Letter |
Dushkin, Samuel | Martinů, Charlotte | 16.12.1959 | New York, NY | Dus 1959-12-16 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Sacher, Paul | 16.04.1951 | New York, NY | Sac 1951-04-16 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Sacher, Paul | 05.12.1951 | New York, NY | Sac 1951-12-05 | | Letter |
Adams, David S. | Martinů, Charlotte | 03.09.1959 | New York, NY | BH 1959-09-03 | | Letter |
Martinů, Bohuslav | Kaufman, Louis | 18.06.1950 | New York, NY | KauL 1950-06-18 | | Letter |
Graham, Martha | Merritt, Arthur Tillman | 02.06.1946 | New York, NY | Mer 1946-06-02 | | Letter |
de Roussy de Sales, Raoul | Šafránek, Miloš | 02.08.1939 | New York, NY | RouR 1939-08-02 | | Letter |
Torrès, Henry | Šafránek, Miloš | 10.10.1944 | New York, NY | Tor 1944-10-10 | | Letter |