General information
NameRoth Quartet
Name ENRoth Quartet
Name CZRoth Quartet
Notefounded by Feri Roth in Budapest in 1922, in 1937 the Roths joined the faculty of Westminster Choir College, Princeton University, New Jersey
Employees Array ( [id] => 522 [person_id] => 5329 [company_id] => 227 [since] => 1922-00-00 00:00:00 [until] => 1969-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => [note_en] => [Company] => Array ( [id] => 227 [parent_id] => [name] => Roth Quartet [name_cz] => Roth Quartet [name_en] => Roth Quartet [abbreviation] => [location_id] => 279 [note] => zal. 1922 v Budapešti Feri Rothem, 1937 se kvarteto přesunulo do USA [note_en] => founded by Feri Roth in Budapest in 1922, in 1937 the Roths joined the faculty of Westminster Choir College, Princeton University, New Jersey [created_user_name] => 0 [created_user_id] => [changed_user_name] => Kozáková, Anna [created_date] => 2006-11-13 19:35:44 [changed_date] => 2016-09-29 15:41:43 [public] => 1 ) [Person] => Array ( [id] => 5329 [displayname] => Roth, Feri [firstname] => Feri [surname] => Roth [maidenname] => [nickname] => [birthday] => 1899-07-18 00:00:00 [deathdate] => 1969-05-07 00:00:00 [note] => maďarský houslista, zakladatel Roth Quartet [note_en] => Hungarian violinist, founder of the Roth Quartet [checked] => 0 [created_user_name] => Kozáková, Anna [created_user_id] => 37 [changed_user_name] => Pechač, Marek [created_date] => 2016-10-19 12:24:14 [changed_date] => 2019-02-08 11:50:27 [public] => 1 ) )
Roth, Feri
Scholz, Janos