General information
NameLibrary of Congress
Name ENLibrary of Congress
Name CZKnihovna Kongresu
LocationWashington, D.C.
Employees Array ( [id] => 525 [person_id] => 5332 [company_id] => 1319 [since] => 1934-00-00 00:00:00 [until] => 1972-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => Zástupce vedoucího hudebního oddělení (1934–37), Vedoucí hudebního oddělení (1937–1972) [note_en] => Assistant Chief of the Music Division (1934–37), Chief of the Music Division (1937–1972) [Company] => Array ( [id] => 1319 [parent_id] => [name] => Library of Congress [name_cz] => Knihovna Kongresu [name_en] => Library of Congress [abbreviation] => LOC [location_id] => 403 [note] => [note_en] => [created_user_name] => Pechač, Marek [created_user_id] => [changed_user_name] => Pechač, Marek [created_date] => 2012-11-06 10:31:28 [changed_date] => 2012-11-06 10:31:28 [public] => 1 ) [Person] => Array ( [id] => 5332 [displayname] => Spivacke, Harold [firstname] => Harold [surname] => Spivacke [maidenname] => [nickname] => [birthday] => 1904-07-18 00:00:00 [deathdate] => 1977-05-09 00:00:00 [note] => Americký hudebník, muzikolog a hudební knihovník [note_en] => American musician, musicologist and music librarian [checked] => 0 [created_user_name] => Kozáková, Anna [created_user_id] => 37 [changed_user_name] => Pechač, Marek [created_date] => 2016-10-25 10:57:34 [changed_date] => 2022-08-23 12:18:22 [public] => 1 ) )
Spivacke, Harold
Employment detailsAssistant Chief of the Music Division (1934–37), Chief of the Music Division (1937–1972)
Strunk, William Oliver