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Page 2 of 16, showing 100 records out of 1507 total

Name (CZ/EN) Abbreviation References
Universum (Universum / Universum)
University of Wisconsin (Wisconsinská univerzita / University of Wisconsin)
University of Texas (University of Texas / University of Texas) UT
University of Rochester (University of Rochester / University of Rochester)
Eastman School of Music
University of Pennsylvania Press (University of Pennsylvania Press / University of Pennsylvania Press)
University of Pennsylvania (University of Pennsylvania / University of Pennsylvania)
University of Michigan (University of Michigan / University of Michigan)
Bentley Historical Library
University of Miami (University of Miami / University of Miami)
University of Louisville (Univerzita v Louisville / University of Louisville)
University of Iowa (University of Iowa / University of Iowa)
University of Georgia (University of Georgia / University of Georgia) UGA
University of Cambridge (Univerzita v Cambridgi / University of Cambridge)
Opera Group, University of Cambridge
University of California, Berkeley (University of California, Berkeley / University of California, Berkeley) UC Berkeley
University of Birmingham (University of Birmingham / University of Birmingham)
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien (Univerzita hudebních a dramatických umění ve Vídni / University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna) MDW
Universität Basel (Basilejská universita / University of Basel)
Universal Edition, London (Universal Edition, Londýn / Universal Edition, London) UE, London
Universal Edition (Universal Edition / Universal Edition) UE
United States Office of War Information (United States Office of War Information / United States Office of War Information)
United States Information Agency (United States Information Agency / United States Information Agency) USIA
United States Department of State (United States Department of State / United States Department of State)
United Press Associations (United Press Associations / United Press Associations) UP, UPI
United Nations Information Centre (Informační centrum OSN / United Nations Information Centre)
United Nations (Organizace spojených národů / United Nations) OSN
Unión Musical Ediciones (Unión Musical Ediciones / Unión Musical Ediciones) UME
Union européenne de radio-télévision (Evropská vysílací unie / European Broadcasting Union) EBU; UER; EVU
Umělecký soubor ministerstva vnitra (Umělecký soubor ministerstva vnitra / Umělecký soubor ministerstva vnitra) USMV
Umělecká beseda (Umělecká beseda / Umělecká beseda)
Ultraphon (Ultraphon / Ultraphon)
Učitelský ústav v Poličce (Učitelský ústav v Poličce / Učitelský ústav v Poličce)
Učitelský sbor Nový Jičín (Učitelský sbor Nový Jičín / Nový Jičín Teachers' Choir)
U.S. Embassy in Rome (Americká ambasáda v Římě / U.S. Embassy in Rome)
U.S. Copyright Office (U.S. Copyright Office / U.S. Copyright Office)
Tylův dům (Tylův dům / Tyl House)
Tvorba (Tvorba / Tvorba)
Tschechoslowakische Gesandtschaft Berlin (Československá ambasáda v Berlíně / Czechoslovak embassy in Berlin)
Tryptique (Tryptique / Tryptique)
Triton (Triton / Triton)
Trio Sagul (Trio Sagul / Trio Sagul)
Trio Pasquier (Trio Pasquier / Trio Pasquier)
Trio Moyse (Trio Moyse / Trio Moyse)
Trio Hongrois (Trio Hongrois / Trio Hongrois)
Trio Filomusi (Trio Filomusi / Trio Filomusi )
Trio di Trieste (Trio di Trieste / Trio di Trieste)
Trio d'anches de Paris (Trio d'anches de Paris / Trio d'anches de Paris)
Tribune de Genève (Tribune de Genève / Tribune de Genève)
Tribuna (Tribuna / Tribuna)
Trapp Family Singers (Trapp Family Singers / Trapp Family Singers)
Town Hall (Town Hall / Town Hall)
Towarzystwo Wydawnicze Muzyki Polskiej (Polské hudební vydavatelství / Polish Music Publishing Society)
Toronto Symphony Orchestra (Toronto Symphony Orchestra / Toronto Symphony Orchestra)
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich (Tonhalle Orchester Zürich / Tonhalle Orchestra Zürich)
Time (Time / Time)
Thomas Wood Award (Cena Thomase Wooda / Thomas Wood Award)
Theodore Presser Company (Theodore Presser Company / Theodore Presser Company)
Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie (Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie / Royal Theatre of the Mint)
Théâtre Pigalle (Théâtre Pigalle / Théâtre Pigalle)
Théâtre Marigny (Divadlo Marigny / Theatre Marigny)
Théâtre Lyrique (Théâtre Lyrique / Théâtre Lyrique)
Théâtre Hébertot (Théâtre Hébertot / Théâtre Hébertot)
Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier (Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier / Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier)
Théâtre du Châtelet (Théâtre du Châtelet / Théâtre du Châtelet)
Théâtre des Champs-Élysées (Théâtre des Champs-Élysées / Théâtre des Champs-Élysées)
Théâtre de la Ville (Théâtre de la Ville / Théâtre de la Ville)
Théâtre de la Madeleine (Théâtre de la Madeleine / Théâtre de la Madeleine)
Théâtre Bériza (Théâtre Bériza / Théâtre Bériza)
Theaterverlag Eirich (Theaterverlag Eirich / Theaterverlag Eirich)
Theater und Orchester Heidelberg (Theater und Orchester Heidelberg / Theater & Orchester Heidelberg)
Theater St.Gallen ( / )
Theater Regensburg (Theater Regensburg / Theater Regensburg)
Theater Hagen (Theater Hagen / Theater Hagen)
Theater Freiburg (Městské divadlo Freiburg / Freiburg Theatre)
Theater der Jugend (Theater der Jugend / Theater der Jugend)
Theater an der Wien (Divadlo na Vídeňce / Theater an der Wien)
Theater am Stadtgarten (Theater am Stadtgarten / Theater am Stadtgarten)
Thea Dispeker Inc. (Thea Dispeker Inc. / Thea Dispeker Inc.)
The University of Edinburgh (Edinburská univerzita / The University of Edinburgh)
The Symphony of the Air (The Symphony of the Air / The Symphony of the Air)
The Sun (The Sun / The Sun)
The Russian Tea Room (The Russian Tea Room / The Russian Tea Room)
The New Yorker (The New Yorker / The New Yorker)
The New York Music Critics' Circle Award (Cena komise hudebních kritiků, New York / The New York Music Critics' Circle Award)
The Nationale Institute of Arts and Letters (Národní institut pro umění a písemnictví / The Nationale Institute of Arts and Letters)
The National Orchestral Association (The National Orchestral Association / The National Orchestral Association) NOA
The National City Bank of New York (The National City Bank of New York / The National City Bank of New York)
The Music Review (The Music Review / The Music Review)
The George Washington University (The George Washington University / The George Washington University)
The Cleveland Museum of Art (Clevelandské muzeum umění / The Cleveland Museum of Art) CMA
The Christian Science Monitor (The Christian Science Monitor / The Christian Science Monitor) CSM
The Carlyle Hotel (The Carlyle Hotel / The Carlyle Hotel)
The Boston Post (The Boston Post / The Boston Post)
Thames & Hudson (Thames & Hudson / Thames & Hudson) T&H
Tempo (Tempo / Tempo)
Telewizja Polska S.A. (Polská televize / Polish Television)
Teatro Nuovo (Teatro Nuovo / Teatro Nuovo)
Teatro di San Carlo (Teatro di San Carlo / Teatro di San Carlo)
Teatro dell'Opera di Roma (Teatro dell'Opera di Roma / Rome Opera House)
Teatro alla Scala (Teatro alla Scala / Teatro alla Scala)
Tanglewood Music Center (Tanglewood Music Center / Tanglewood Music Center)
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