General information
Call number at the BM Institute236/PR2
Title of the composition The Plays of Mary, H 236
Class of the sourceMusical source
Type of the sourceKlavírní výtah
Closer specification of the typePiano reduction of the 2nd act in foreign hand
Language 1Czech
Language 2German
Physical description
Diplomatic transcription of the title pageMariken de Nimèque / Ouverture / BOHUSLAV MARTINŮ
Number of leaves36 + 1 vlepená strana + 1 volná strana s textem
Number of pages bearing notation69
Total number of pages72 + 2 + 2
Original pagination1 - 3, 5 - 21, 23 - 68
Note on pagination1 - 48, 51 - 66 (pencil), 49 - 50, 67 - 68 (pen - blue ink)
Dimensions (width x height)266x336 mm
Bindingloose double sheet
Paper characteristicsyelowed
Watermarksignature paper mill: Sünova Nr. 5 - 14 zeilig
Number and arrangement of staves14, 9, 16
Total span of staves275 mm
Distance between staff lines2,2 mm
Writing instrumentpen (blue ink), pencil
Content of particular pagesp.1 Ouverture
p.7 Scene in forest
p.18 Dance by devil with Mariken
p.33 Scene in the cabaret
p.50 The Game of "Maškarón"
Commentsp. 32 empty
p. 67 - glued, smaller format, 9 stave (+ fragment 10th), pen (lighter blue ink), copyist 2nd, back side cross out (pencil)
p. 68 - copyist 2nd, fixed page numbering for p. 68, glued, 16 stave
in every pages inscribed (pencil) German translate of the text, on p. 62 and on p. 63 was not space, text written on separaten paper and inserted between pages - signature: Dr. Wilhelm Schmidhuber, München, / Am Kosttor 1II Telefon 22706
Owner of the sourceNadace Bohuslava Martinů
DepositionNadace Bohuslava Martinů
Date of acquisition (BM Institute)2017

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Quality of digitisationProfessional
Digitized atBohuslav Martinů Institute
Date of digitisation2017
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