General information
OwnerCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Owner‘s call numbersign. PBM Fbm 442; foto0088d Př. č. 57/2010 - Pořadač1_Stránka_143
BMI call numberfoto0088
Former ownerMartinů, Charlotte
Provenance & date of acquisition (BM Institute)foto0088a and foto0088b digitized from CBM, 11/1999-10/2000; foto0088c digitized from Marie Pražanová's papers at CBM 2019; foto0088d: copy from Martinů Centre in Polička, origin of photoalbums př. č. 57/2010 and př č. 58/2010: Both are from Charlotte Martinů's property. Most likely created by Ch. Martinů, but contain a few marking by Bohuslav Martinů. According to M. Mihule these albums were very dear to Ch. Martinů. After her death the albums were given to M. Mihule by Martinů's niece. Mihule and Graham Meville Mason prepared publication of the photographs in England after 1990 but did not finished this project.
DescriptionMarie Martinů, Stanislav Novák, Charlotte Martinů and Bohuslav Martinů in Paris
NotePrevious owner of foto0088b: Eva Charvátová. Foto0088c is a postcard sent to Karolina Martinů, dated June 29, 1930, in Paris (held also in our correspondence under the call no. Mar 1930-06-29)

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