General information
OwnerCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Owner‘s call numbersign. PBM Na 2; Př. č. 75/95 (134)
BMI call numberkres0049
Note on the dateAround 1910.
Note on the locationLocation is uncertain, probably Prague.
DescriptionA drawing with a text "Útok ozbrojeného lidu Milady na král. hrád (provedeno v Národním 1908)"; "Milada"; "Hurá! Hura."; "Dalibor." ("The attack by Milada's armed people on a castle (realized in the National Theatre in 1908)"; "Milada"; "Hurray! Hurray."; "Dalibor")
NotePage 31.
A drawing with a pencil.

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