General information
OwnerCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Owner‘s call numbersign. PBM Na 2; Př. č. 75/95 (134)
BMI call numberkres0047; kres0048
Note on the dateAround 1910.
Note on the locationLocation is uncertain, probably Prague.
Descriptionkres0047: A drawing with texts "E. Oněgin upomíná se tímto ku zapravení 40 K za housle."; "Evžen Oněgin"; "Oněgin"; "Vyzvání přijímám!" ("E. Onegin is requested to pay 40 crowns for a violin."; "Eugene Onegin"; "Onegin"; "I accept the bidding!")
kres0048: A drawing with texts "Tulák"; "Le chemineau" ("A wanderer"; "Le chemineau")
NotePicture "29" and "30".
A drawing with a pencil.

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