General information
OwnerCentrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce
Owner‘s call numberPBM Fbm 3; sign. PBM Fbm 4
BMI call numberfoto0018
Provenance & date of acquisition (BM Institute)foto0018a and foto0018b digitized from CBM, 11/1999-10/2000; foto0018c copied from Marie pražanová Collection at CBM; foto0018d from Czech Press Office, 06/2020
Note on the dateThe year of the origin is uncertain (c. 1896).
AuthorKlesl, Josef
DescriptionBohuslav Martinů as a six/seven-year old violinist, with his sister Marie.
NoteThe photography foto0018b depicting Bohuslav Martinů is the cutout from the photography foto0018a; foto0018c bears note by Karl Vötterle "Martinů 8 Jahren Alt 1. Konzert mit Schwestter Maria" and below note by Marie Pražanová "Written by Dr. h. c. Karl Vötterle - Kassel"; foto0018d is coloured version of foto0018b

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