General information
NameThe University of Edinburgh
Name ENThe University of Edinburgh
Name CZEdinburská univerzita
NoteThe sixth oldest university in the United Kingdom and English-speaking world and one of Scotland's ancient universities. The university has five main campuses in the city of Edinburgh, which include many buildings of historical and architectural significance such as those in Old Town. The university played an important role in Edinburgh becoming a chief intellectual center during the Scottish Enlightenment, contributing to the city being nicknamed the "Athens of the North".
Employees Array ( [id] => 2557 [person_id] => 7431 [company_id] => 2065 [since] => 1962-00-00 00:00:00 [until] => 1973-00-00 00:00:00 [note] => [note_en] => [Company] => Array ( [id] => 2065 [parent_id] => [name] => The University of Edinburgh [name_cz] => Edinburská univerzita [name_en] => The University of Edinburgh [abbreviation] => [location_id] => 485 [note] => Šestá nejstarší univerzita ve Velké Británii a anglicky mluvících zemí a jedna ze starověkých univerzit ve Skotsku. Univerzita má pět hlavních kampusů ve městě Edinburgh, které zahrnují mnoho budov historického a architektonického významu, jako jsou budovy ve Starém Městě. Univerzita hrála důležitou roli v tom, že se Edinburgh během skotského osvícení stal hlavním intelektuálním centrem. To přispělo k tomu, že město bylo přezdíváno „Athény severu“. [note_en] => The sixth oldest university in the United Kingdom and English-speaking world and one of Scotland's ancient universities. The university has five main campuses in the city of Edinburgh, which include many buildings of historical and architectural significance such as those in Old Town. The university played an important role in Edinburgh becoming a chief intellectual center during the Scottish Enlightenment, contributing to the city being nicknamed the "Athens of the North". [created_user_name] => Zikmundová, Kateřina [created_user_id] => 49 [changed_user_name] => Balcárková, Eva [created_date] => 2020-12-16 14:08:38 [changed_date] => 2021-05-12 11:44:21 [public] => 1 ) [Person] => Array ( [id] => 7431 [displayname] => Clapham, John [firstname] => John [surname] => Clapham [maidenname] => [nickname] => [birthday] => 1908-07-31 00:00:00 [deathdate] => 1992-11-09 00:00:00 [note] => Anglický muzikolog, lektor na Univerzitě v Edinburgh. Claphamova vědecká kariéra specializovaná na Dvořáka začala poměrně pozdě, ale tématu se oddaně věnoval do pokročilého věku. Je spoluautorem bibliografie druhého vydání Burghauserova Dvořákova Tematického katalogu. [note_en] => English musicologist, senior lecturer at Edinburgh University. Clapham's scholarly career as an expert on Dvořák began comparatively late but was pursued devotedly into advanced age, he is a co-author of the bibliography in the second edition of Burghauser's Dvořák's Thematic catalogue. [checked] => 0 [created_user_name] => Zikmundová, Kateřina [created_user_id] => 49 [changed_user_name] => Balcárková, Eva [created_date] => 2020-12-16 14:11:12 [changed_date] => 2021-05-13 15:47:05 [public] => 1 ) )
Clapham, John